GGSM serves the medical community in Greensboro, NC


Greater Greensboro

Society of Medicine

What GGSM Provides for the Community and its Members Through the efforts of a dedicated Leadership Structure, professional staff and a host of active committees, GGSM carries out its mission. Current GGSM committees, their activities and respective charges represent the needs of its members and confirm the value of Society membership by unifying physicians on the issues most important to medicine. The GGSM represents its members in a meaningful and organized manner providing information and guidance necessary to meet the challenges of medical service in our community. Our Society serves as a vehicle for the physician’s commitment and dedication to organized medicine. Physicians joining together as an organized unit can impact and determine the future of medicine.


Interprets and recommends medical society policies, protocols, procedures.


Plans and implements internal and external communications and public relations’ activities




Identifies, plans, and implements educational activities and events.

NCMS House of


Provides elected member delegates to represent the views of the local medical society within the areas most sensitive to the preservation and advancement of the members.

Community Health

Collaborates with a network of community organizations to address common issues, such as supporting smoke- free environments and access to medical resources for the community’s underserved.

Pictorial Directory

Creates and publishes an inclusive physician pictorial directory with information that helps facilitate a convenient link to all physicians’ colleagues; members and non- members.


Coordinates local activities to help organize a key contact network for physician members to access legislators about important health-related legislation. Promotes effective communication between the GGSM and legislators through a Candidates Forum.


Conducts two-day communication experience for lay community by allowing community leaders to shadow the primary care physician and the surgeon into their respective offices and surgeries. The program fosters a positive relationship between medicine and the policy makers of the community.


Enhances membership recruitment/retention; orients and acts as liaison to new members. Assesses physicians’ needs and develops programs to assist them: Finances and organizes annual welcoming socials to introduce new physicians to their colleagues and community Provides guidance in area of medical record retention Provides state and national organized medicine resources Provides members with professional development resources


Publishes a newsletter that alerts members to activities, introduces new members, recognizes member accomplishments, highlights public health initiatives, acknowledges the senior physicians contributions to medicine and community, keeps members up to date on the happenings in medicine from all across the country. Publishes a Medical Phone and Fax Book to assist the physician, office staff and hospitals with easy access to every physician in Greensboro.
Click button to view information about GGSM board members Click button to view information about GGSM board members Click button to search for GGSM member physicians Click button to search for GGSM member physicians
GGSM serves the medical community of Greensboro, NC


Greater Greensboro

Society of Medicine


Greater Greensboro Society of Medicine
What GGSM Provides for the Community and its Members Through the efforts of a dedicated Leadership Structure, professional staff and a host of active committees, GGSM carries out its mission. Current GGSM committees, their activities and respective charges represent the needs of its members and confirm the value of Society membership by unifying physicians on the issues most important to medicine. The GGSM represents its members in a meaningful and organized manner providing information and guidance necessary to meet the challenges of medical service in our community. Our Society serves as a vehicle for the physician’s commitment and dedication to organized medicine. Physicians joining together as an organized unit can impact and determine the future of medicine.
Image of physician reading a tablet


Interprets and recommends medical society policies, protocols, procedures.


Plans and implements internal and external communications and public relations’ activities




Identifies, plans, and implements educational activities and events.

NCMS House of


Provides elected member delegates to represent the views of the local medical society within the areas most sensitive to the preservation and advancement of the members.

Community Health

Collaborates with a network of community organizations to address common issues, such as supporting smoke- free environments and access to medical resources for the community’s underserved.

Pictorial Directory

Creates and publishes an inclusive physician pictorial directory with information that helps facilitate a convenient link to all physicians’ colleagues; members and non-members.


Coordinates local activities to help organize a key contact network for physician members to access legislators about important health-related legislation. Promotes effective communication between the GGSM and legislators through a Candidates Forum.


Conducts two-day communication experience for lay community by allowing community leaders to shadow the primary care physician and the surgeon into their respective offices and surgeries. The program fosters a positive relationship between medicine and the policy makers of the community.


Enhances membership recruitment/retention; orients and acts as liaison to new members. Assesses physicians’ needs and develops programs to assist them: Finances and organizes annual welcoming socials to introduce new physicians to their colleagues and community Provides guidance in area of medical record retention Provides state and national organized medicine resources Provides members with professional development resources


Publishes a newsletter that alerts members to activities, introduces new members, recognizes member accomplishments, highlights public health initiatives, acknowledges the senior physicians contributions to medicine and community, keeps members up to date on the happenings in medicine from all across the country. Publishes a Medical Phone and Fax Book to assist the physician, office staff and hospitals with easy access to every physician in Greensboro.
Click button to meet the board Click button to meet the board Click button to find member physicians Click button to find member physicians


Greater Greensboro

Society of Medicine